Oystercatcher in Mexico

We recently went on a trip to Mexico and were very inspired by the food there. Travelling around you notice how they cook using only local ingredients. On the coast the menus contain only seafood and only 1 hour inland suddenly no seafood is to be found and it is a very meaty diet. As our ethos is all about using locally produced food, this really resonated with us.

Whilst watching a sunset during our trip, we discovered a patch of samphire. It looked just like Norfolk samphire looks at the beginning of summer when it’s at its most succulent. Unsurprisingly, we excitedly set about picking some straight away to go in our dinner that night!




We made quacamole, ceviche with blanched samphire, refried beans, tortillas and mango, coconut (which we got from the garden) and papaya juice. A nice norfolk/mexico fusion meal!


The Mexicans are fantastic at doing simple things beautifully and deliciously. They celebrate good, local, honest food which is exactly what we at Oystercatcher Catering are about!


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